Location : North America
Certifed By: : Samma Karuna
Date of Certification : December 4, 2021
Licence : CR-3947
Lona Garner
Total Score 21 REVIEWS
Dynamic of the class: Knowledge: Ethics and support of the Group:
  • May 5, 2023 at 11:09 am

    I attended Lona's "Open Your Heart" workshop at Burning Man in 2022 and it was truly life-changing. With around 30 attendees, Lona led us through deep connection exercises that brought everyone closer together. One of the things that stood out to me was Lona's ability to create a safe and comfortable space for everyone to open up and share their vulnerabilities. She had a unique way of guiding us through the exercises, and her gentle and compassionate approach made it easy for us to let our guards down and connect on a deeper level. By the end of the class, there were tears of joy and strong interpersonal connections that will last a lifetime. Lona’s ability to create such a transformative experience is truly unique, and I feel so grateful to have been a part of it. I highly recommend Lona’s workshops to anyone looking to deepen their connections with themselves and others. Thank you for creating such a beautiful and impactful experience Lona!!!

  • April 20, 2023 at 6:56 pm

    I had the absolute pleasure of experiencing two of Lona’s tantra workshops and was truly blown both times. It felt so good to walk away with new tools to develop intimacy not only with partners, but also with myself. As someone who has struggled with both in the past, this was extremely impactful for me. Not only was the workshop content great, but Lona herself is an amazing facilitator. She held the space beautifully, made sure everyone understood what was happening throughout, felt safe, answered all question, etc, but the thing that stood out was her complete embodiment of her role as a Tantra Teacher. She’s clearly in her element and I’m so grateful I got the chance to experience it!

  • April 20, 2023 at 9:50 am

    Lona is such a knowledgeable and caring teacher. She really made me feel safe and seen which helped me let go and experience something new! She really cares about her work and I highly recommend her if you're looking to explore the depths of yourself!

  • April 20, 2023 at 3:48 am

    I am delighted to share my experience attending several of Lona's tantra workshops. Lona is an embodiment of the teachings she shares, and her dedication to the path of Tantra is evident in every aspect of her teachings. Lona leads with intentionality and ceremony, as her opening circles set the space for safety, non-judgement, self-exploration, and transmutation. Lona's classes are well-structured, and she seamlessly weaves together theoretical and experiential components of Tantra. Lona's teaching style is both knowledgeable and intuitive. She has a gift for explaining big topics simply, demystifying preconceived notions, and making her lessons accessible to everyone. I have witnessed and can personally attest to her attunement to the needs of each participant - even in larger group settings - and I see her attunement as respectful, understanding, and non-intrusive. Through Lona's teachings, I have gained a deeper understanding of Tantra and its applications in my daily life. Her classes have provided me with tools to cultivate mindfulness, self-awareness, and self-love. Each class has left me feeling more aware of the processes occurring within my body and mind, and I feel more connected to my inner self. I highly recommend Lona as a Tantra teacher. Her dedication and passion to this path is palpable, and I consider her an expert in her craft. Her classes are a beautiful blend of wisdom, compassion, practical guidance, and most importantly, fun! I look forward to attending more of her classes in the future.

  • April 16, 2023 at 4:43 am

    Lona brings an incredibly grounded, magical, and knowledgable presence to everything she does. She is beyond talented and makes each participant feel welcome and comfortable. I also deeply appreciate that she teaches through a trauma informed lens. Highly recommend working with Lona if you get the chance!

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